The County Courthouse located in Sinton will open Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 8 a.m. as that building has electricity and is fully operational. However, many of our County buildings do not have electricity and will remain closed. Those buildings included the Plymouth and Elections buildings in Sinton as well as the Tax Assessor/Collector Offices located in Aransas Pass, Portland, and Mathis. Judge Krebs ask that all Elected Officials continue to work with their employees as he is aware that many county employees are still without electricity at their homes and work schedules might need to be adjusted.

This morning Judge Krebs also signed a Declaration of State of Local Disaster due to prolonged arctic air, freezing rain and sleet; in addition to, many homes and businesses in the County are without electricity.

The Emergency Operations Center opened today. County staff is working with cities to identify needs. Further updates related to County Facilities will be posted to the County’s website.