What you do today determines the FUTURE of our Community’s health. If diagnosed with COVID-19, for our Community’s benefit please self-quarantine. Isolation is necessary to slow the spread of this virus. The CDC recommends isolation be maintained for at least 10 days after illness onset AND at least 3 days (72 hours) after recovery. Illness onset is the date symptoms began and recovery is the resolution of fever with improvement of other symptoms.

Today, Public Health Preparedness Department reported thirty-three (33) new cases that are all under investigation and our hospitalization count is zero. The County’s confirmed COVID-19 case count will move to 867. The County’s active case count moves up to 237 as this count also denotes that sixteen (16) individuals were released from COVID-19 protocol. DSHS is reporting sixteen (16) COVID-19 fatalities for San Patricio County at the time of this release. The County’s immediate risk of transmission is intermediate.


  • WEAR a face covering
  • WASH your hands early and often
  • WATCH DISTANCE – be the fix and stay at six

Call 361-201-0551 to reach the Center for COVID-19 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. M-F.
For information, please contact Clara Rieder, Public Health Preparedness Manager, at EOC@co.san-patricio.tx.us; or Dr. James A. Mobley, MD, MPH, FAAFP.
