This morning San Patricio County staff and Judge Krebs monitored a conference call with the National Weather Service at 10:30 a.m. After this conference call and visiting with Emergency Operation Center staff, Judge Krebs made the decision to issue a Voluntary Evacuation Order for those San Patricio County residents in low lying areas prone to flooding and those in motorhomes, travel trailers, or other dwells that might not withstand the projected Tropical Storm Force Winds of 60 to 65 mph. All area residents should take necessary precautions to protect lives and secure property and all vehicle travel should be limited beginning 6 a.m. Saturday morning until noon on Sunday due to Tropical Storm Force Winds.

The San Patricio County EOC will move to a Level 1 (Full Activation) tomorrow at 6 a.m. Some staff will remain in operation virtually, as we are still taking precautions for COVID-19. We do not anticipate any mandatory evacuations. You can reach the EOC at We will continue to post information via social media (Facebook @spcoem) and on throughout the event, as able.

Next, Public Health Preparedness Department reported forty-two (42) new cases today that areall under investigation and our hospitalization count is one (1).The County’s confirmed COVID-19 case count will move to 666. The County’s active case count moves up to 348 as this count also denotes that nineteen (19) individuals were released from COVID-19 protocol. The County’s completed tests count is 2190. The County’s immediate risk of transmission is intermediate.

Please Stay Home and Stay Safe this weekend – your loved ones and your community are counting on you to play it smart!!!
