San Patricio County’s COVID-19 Situation Report

Happy Friday –

Public Health Preparedness Manager Clara Rieder reported three (3) new cases today as the County’s active case count moves up to twelve (12). The County’s confirmed COVID-19 case count is 48.The immediate risk of transmission in the County remains minimal.

Please remember:

  1. Wash your hands early and often.
  2. Be the Fix and Stay at Six.
  3. “It ain’t over till it’s over” – Forbes: “Texas reported over 2,500 new coronavirus cases” on June 10th.  Don’t be one of them.   

Call 361-201-0551 to reach the Center for COVID-19 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. M-F.
For information, please contact Clara Rieder, Public Health Preparedness Manager, at; or Dr. James A. Mobley, MD, MPH, FAAFP.
