CIVID-19 Situation Report 09/15/20
Today, Public Health Preparedness Department reported two (2) new cases that are all under investigation and our hospitalization count is zero. The County’s confirmed COVID-19 case count will move to…
Today, Public Health Preparedness Department reported two (2) new cases that are all under investigation and our hospitalization count is zero. The County’s confirmed COVID-19 case count will move to…
Today, Public Health Preparedness Department reported nine (9) new cases that are all under investigation and ourhospitalization count is zero. The County’s confirmed COVID-19 case count will move to 1393.…
Today, Public Health Preparedness Department reported twelve (12) new cases that are all under investigation and our hospitalization count is zero. The County’s confirmed COVID-19 case count will move to…
Public Health Preparedness Department reported three (3) new cases today that are all under investigation and our hospitalization count is zero. The County’s confirmed COVID-19 case count will move to…
Public Health Preparedness Department reported eighteen (18) new cases today that are all under investigation and our hospitalization count is zero. The County’s confirmed COVID-19 case count will move to…